Teaching and learning MFL

Language acquisition theory

Papers & recommended reading | Editorial reviews | Task for trainees


Engagement with the theoretical base of language acquisition has the potential for enhancing the teaching and learning of MFLs in school. Important issues raised are: similarities and differences between first and second language acquisition, the distinction between acquisition and learning, the roles of the 'mother' tongue and the target language in the classroom, hierarchies of language skills – especially different expectations of reception and production, and empathy with the MFL learner’s anxieties and needs.

Improved understanding of challenges posed by, and factors affecting, language study should result; thus lesson planning and curriculum interpretation by the teacher may eventually better reflect each learner’s needs and aptitudes.

Study of this topic has the potential to address aspects of the following wide range of QTS standards, depending on the trainer’s particular emphases:

Professional attributes  
Personal professional development Q7, Q8, Q9
Professional knowledge and understanding  
Teaching and learning
Subjects and curriculum
Q14, Q15
Achievement and diversity
Q18, Q19
Health and well-being Q21 (a) (b)
Professional skills  
Planning Q22
Teaching Q25 (b) (d)
Reviewing teaching and learning Q29

Tasks for trainees

Group discussion

Observation focus

Check your planning

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